Mungo, Sunset

Mungo, NSW

I began these two drawings whilst at the Art Vault in Mildura and completed them when I got home.
They are both ink wash and pen, 23cm x 31cm. They are inspired from my visit during a sunset after a very hot day.

Mungo, sunset


“I’m NOT tired Mummy!”

and then –

I drew this this afternoon – I am so close to finishing two drawings. They have been quite technically challenging so I guess I procrastinated with this one. It’s nice to be a bit looser and experiment with the softer back ground.

Another one to add to ‘drawings of my daughter sleeping and/ or sick.’

Almost the end of January

I’m always taking photos and thinking that they’ll be good for the blog but I am finding less and less time to keep up with the posting – which is probably pretty evident in my lack of writing here but that’s OK – I’ve been drawing lots. And cooking and driving and being sober and doing all the things I should have done long ago but I guess these things will take the time that they need to take.
Also not letting the assembling of flat pack furniture break me is something I am pretty proud of. 😛

It’s probably also time to join a bird watching appreciation club –

A week ago I got back from the residency in Mildura. Just what I needed after a year of spent mostly in a rut, with the last four months being especially challenging. The landscape was so interesting, the space was really well set up and everyone at the Art Vault and the the people that I met in Mildura were lovely.. It was a really positive experience and I’ve come away feeling pretty good.
I’m about to have an exhibition in Melbourne and am working on some big and small drawings – I just feel like I am back to it and that I have meaning.
Important feels.


Perry Sandhills

Mumma and Joey in the heat

School is back soon – I have gotten the school shoes and set up my daughter with a desk in her bedroom. She feels very proud of it, fills my heart to see. I really look forward to a bit more of routine but am not wishing time away, this time is pretty fine too.

Got to go and stir the ( vegan ) red beans and put together the favourite spinach pie. I also have two drawings so close to being finished – – – so so close.



I am writing to you in a rather tired state- a good tired. I’ve been away from home for over a week now, exploring and working and meeting new people.
I’ve watched birds down at the Murray, white knuckled it down a dirt road in the dark, that was full of kangaroos ( red & grey ) cows as big as the bus we were in, foxes and rabbits.
I saw a wedge tailed eagles nest and read notes in a book written by artists who I have long admired. It’s all been about nature, art, navigating heat and coffee and ink and drawing.
Also – I was on the ABC talking about periods and drawing and that this residency is the first ‘art thing’ I have done since my surgery.. Which was pointed out to me by the lovely journalist.

I have been both deeply relaxed and very productive.

Today is hit a wall day, so I am trying to do the things around actual drawing. I’ve done drawing too, but they are not very good, so no matter.
The things I’ve been doing are preparing for my art adventure tomorrow, eating chocolate and looking at my drawings wondering where I want to take things. These two weeks have been mapped out to just collect material and think with my hands. Which I have been doing but of course I wish I could get a solid idea on a new project and I haven’t so I am a little frustrated and I know, I know I expect too much of myself. But if I don’t, who will?

I wanted to post some sketches but can’t seem to upload them, so you’ll just have to look at the photo of me with melted hair after a very hot day at Mungo. I am bare foot and with a heart filled to the brim – that’s a sunset I’ll never forget.

Little drawings ~

I have been working a lot around and during life happenings, I have quite the collection of small drawings growing that I am very proud of.
Here are a few ~

A Portrait
19 x 14cm
Ink on paper
Lily Mae Martin

I’m in love with this one – the cropping of the image, the fluffiness of the hair and the texture and tones of the skin.

19 x 14cm
Ink on paper
Lily Mae Martin

19 x 14cm
Ink on paper
Lily Mae Martin

I’ll put together a post of all of the drawings in a couple of months. It has been very interesting cropping the images to make new images from them and working on a smaller, more intimate scale. I am really glad that someone had mentioned the idea of working smaller as I am not sure I would have come to on my own. It’s been really challenging to change things up a bit and it really didn’t work at first! But I kept going and changing things and I am pretty happy with this little series.

Yo, Gustave

19 x 14cm
Ink on paper
Lily Mae Martin

This little drawing is a love letter to Gustave Courbet’s The Origin of the World 1866 painting. I saw it in Paris back in 2009. The lovingly painting plume of pubes really stayed with me.

I have an exhibition with several other artist openings early next year, I will keep you all posted on the finer details closer to the time – I have been very, very busy making new works.

Love to all this silly season, stay hydrated.

Forever Periods – Adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is a word I didn’t even know a year ago, but I have known the symptoms for most of my life. In June I had surgery looking for endometriosis but that was not present, but adenomyosis is. ( I’m not even unsure if I am talking about it properly )

I’m the person that when people suggest menstrual cups I just laugh to myself – I would forever be at home washing up blood. And I know it’s deeply uncool to admit to taking the easier and not environmentally friendly way of managing life but I do just want to live a life. I just forever have periods.
Forever periods.

We tried one way of managing it, back in June. But it didn’t really work so I was offered another route, one I didn’t even know was possible. The doctor asked me what my plan was for more children, and when I told her NO PLANS NO MORE she actually listened to me. After we booked in my second surgery for the year – I thanked her for actually listening to me when I told her I didn’t want more children.

Last week I had parts of my body removed, which blows my mind, and I’m still really, really sore but I hope once this part is over – I can get on with the things I want to do in this life.

I’ve spent a lot of my life wishing I wasn’t a woman. There is so much mess and unpleasantness that comes with having a female body. I know there’s women who do enjoy this and find pride in it – but I’ve never been one. I can’t even begin to unravel my feelings on preganncy and early motherhood. Perhaps that’s to do with this worlds very limited representations of woman? And that can be another post because for now I’m going to potter about and water the garden with my very excellent little person.

grasp and squish

I have been retraining by looking for different papers and focsuing in on parts. Highlighting and abstracting, rendering and rubbing back. Next year I will be having an exhibition, but I wanted to present a variety of sizes in regards to my works on paper.
There are more but I wanted to save some of them for when you get into the gallery 🙂

grasp and squish
Ink on paper

This corner
Ink on paper

Ink on paper

These Hands
Ink on paper

These hands I have drawn before and I will again. These hands have held babies and made international skype calls.

That’s it for today!