A gift

I was out, grumpily doing the grocery shopping but when I got home the Kid and the Husband had made me this…

I love it so very much. There’s all of us there, with our Kitty and my dream dog. It’s gone straight to the Good Room.

Drawings of my Daughter

Kidlet is about to turn eight, I wanted to get together a collection of drawings – and paintings – I have done of her in the last eight years. I have nothing from her first year of life. Just one quick sketch I did in the hospital ( yes, I had my sketchbook at the hospital when I gave birth ) but I can’t find it. No matter – there’s plenty here.

Winter Salon 2018 & works currently for sale

Reawaken, 56x76cm, Ink on paper, 2018

I have a number of drawings at Scott Livesey Galleries – A few of these are on view as part of the Winter Salon Exhibition
A rotating exhibition, ON VIEW from this Saturday 16th June, with drinks between 1-3pm.
To view: CLICK
Opening hours:
Tues-Fri 11am-5pm and Sat 11am-4pm.
All queries:
T: +613 9824 7770
E: info@scottliveseygalleries.com

Below are a few works that are at the gallery currently:

Ride, 30×30, Ink on paper, 2016

Dancer, 30×30, Ink on paper, 2016

The Longest Shortest Time ink on paper 75 x 105cm 2017

Seated Nude ink on paper 75 x 105cm 2016

Waterloo State Forest, 105x75cm, Ink on paper, 2016

Enrapt, 56x76cm, Ink on paper, 2018

Mungo NSW, 23cm x 31cm, Ink on paper, 2018

Mungo Sunset, 23cm x 31cm, Ink on paper, 2018

Turn, 15x19cm, Ink on paper, 2017 – unframed

This Corner, 15x19cm, ink on paper, 2017 ( unframed )

Comic Con

A friend organized a day trip to Melbourne to take the girls to Comic Con and it was quite the experience. It was very excellent to see all the people dressed up for Cosplay. I mainly wanted to see the anime stuff and see if I could source some nice pens – which I did.
The crowd was huge, had to use my body and large backpack to physcially shield the kids from being crushed on the way in – that was probably the hardest bit. Once in there was lots of excellent costumes to see and things to do. So much comics, craft, toys and lollies – yay!
We left after many hours of fun with two new friends, Espeon and Litten from Pokémon which Kidlet really enjoys. I drew them for her with my fancy new pens.
See you next year Comic Con and thank you!


Hello, it’s me again. Two in one day. It’s as if I am exploding with the drawing. I can’t stop, I won’t stop. I want to draw so many things but there are many lines and too few hours. Got to prioritize. I did this drawing this evening because it was important. I am so close to finishing a large work but I am also little burnt out from an emotional week. Drawings of my daughter are always a joy and I don’t need to think about anything other than my loves when doing this. That’s the priority.

June drawing times

Well I’ve gotten past my little hissy fit and now back into the making of things. Being too much in my head and not just going with the hands isn’t good for The Practice.

So planning my days and things that need to get done and drawing for many. many hours is my life again. It’s good to be driven, have purpose and enjoy what the process.
Kidlet has been joining me for some drawing sessions too, there is nothing sweeter. So I did get a bit distracted from my Big Drawing to do a Small Drawing of her drawing. 😛

There’s a bunny in my studio, drawing a cookie-moon

And I’ll finish up with a self portrait – have a good weekend

Self portrait and house plant sketches

Drawing Language – Artist talk

From This Wild Song website:

Can’t wait for our next forum Drawing Language with artists Filomena Coppola, Lily Mae Martin and Charlotte Watson! Join us for a lovely afternoon at The Art Room ( in Footscray ) and learn more about these artist’s work, their drawing language, and their experiences as women in the arts.
Afternoon tea is provided, please bring your questions!
Places are limited


I’ve been thinking a lot about what I will talk about at this forum and am really looking forward to it. It’s been an interesting process stepping back and looking over my drawing career, there’s a lot to say. I’m also excited to meet the other artists and hear what they say too.

On Saturday – I went to an artist talk by Megan Evans at the Art Gallery of Ballarat and it was truly fantastic. Artists talks are so important – if you are an artist or interested in becoming one or just interested I think these experiences are truly valuable and totally worth attending.

See you there 🙂

Meanwhile I am working on this large one, at the kitchen table as I had to keep an eye on kids who also kept an eye on me 🙂