The drawing wall


Art, photos, scribbles, notes, origami all around the house is what I have always wanted. So now that we have our own place and I don’t have to stress about the blu tack police we have been getting busy with our ‘drawing wall’. I find that talking about what it is kidlet has captured or constructed really boosts self esteem and motivation. Though we will have to take this down at some point ( to paint over the hirrid peach colour the wall currently is ) it’s all going to go back up and be added to over time.

Launch of New Drawings


The launch of my New Drawings and Darren McDonald’s Something Worth Fighting For at Scott Livesey Galleries last night was wonderful. Both exhibitions were opened by Scott Livesey and Dr Sarah Engledow, from the National Portrait Gallery. Sarah said that the three things women hate about their bodies are toes, bellies and body hair – which feature heavily in my works. She said she had never seen so many toes and that after looking at the works she began to look at her fellow humans with more sympathy. I was really touched by her words.

All photos are by Gene.








Thank you to everyone who came and spread the word about the exhibition. It is on until the 24th of February. All works are for sale.
Scott Livesey Galleries – 909A High Street, Armadale Melbourne

The drawing board


I am feeling pretty excited about the work I have showing, the work I have going and the work that is yet to come. I feel very inspired but also very determined and resolute.


I must book in models in the coming months so if you read this and are up for it – email me!


New Drawings – Exhibition


Dear readers,

I am very pleased and proud to announce that I have an exhibition opening next Thursday the 11th of February, 6 to 8PM at Scott Livesey Galleries in Melbourne.

I’m really proud of the work that I have made, and look forward to seeing it all together in the gallery.

The exhibition runs until the 24th of February – which covers two weekends so that should be handy for a lot of people!

Best to you,

Hair cut


4:30AM, train ride, dawn rise, coffee and blueberry danish, another coffee, hair cut, smells nice, old friend, yum cha – dumplings, art shop, book shop, tram ride, yellow shoes, train home, kidlet cuddle, roast vegetables, vacuuming, mopping, bathing the child, sweeping, kitten cuddles, two loads of laundry, singing goodnight song, washing dishes, baking banana bread, decided not to make bunting for gathering, drew a self portrait.

Good night.