Sunday egg day Sunday

I’ve had a very nice Easter break – finished an essay, did another assessment at uni, hung out with my neighbour who made us potatoes and tea over a fire. I’ve put my new place together a bit more, had nice times with my kidlet and her dad. Kiddo and I also got books and ate too much chocolate. Tried to draw and paint, to little success but at least I have the mental and physical space for that now. I am very grateful for that.

Anyway Neighbour wanted to know what I was working on other than the things I draw on my breaks at the hospital.. and when I was going through my sketchbook today I found my answer for him:


Luna Latte

Still here.

It’s been a wild month and I have been in overdrive for the entirety of it. I am exhausted but still have plenty to do, I am trying to balance some rest in amongst it all.

But I promised myself after I finished an essay and handed it in I’d do a drawing! So here we are with little Luna Latte snuggled up in her new bed my neighbour gave her as a housewarming gift.

I’m just about to jump into work for a bit and also get my drawing desk into my new apartment this weekend. That is very exciting because I miss it. And two essays.. You know academic writing is it’s own beast and I am not that skilled at it but hey, I’m giving it a good crack.

Happy Thursday!



Hello world,

I write to you from my newly installed internet connection at my new home. I have all the natural light to draw by and neighbours who have already helped out with herbs for cooking!

This past month I have been working shift work, full time, studying and trying to move. It’s been challenging.. I have two papers to write, I will get to them.

For now there are red beans and rice bubbling away on the stove top, Daughter has a new book to tuck into and I am still trying to find places to put things. There’s a lot of books, pens and lego 🙂

Thank you to mumma and Gene for helping me with so much xx

Quite The Time

I am having Quite The Time. Trying to get life sorted and be a grown up is tricky! I am looking for a car and my own place – it is brutal. My job is so amazing and busy and blows my mind. I love it.

Doing some painting on my time off but study is also starting up. I was in labs ay uni last week, so much to learn.

OK I better hang out the laundry and make pie.

Call and Response exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ballarat

Hello and happy Sunday!

I have my drawing currently on display at the Art Gallery of Ballarat in their group exhibition. Open from 22nd of January – 8th of May. More details are on their website: Clicky click 

The photo is taken on my birthday 🙂

The exhibition displays recently aquired works along side of older works in the gallery collection – how cool is that. It’s really cool.


Lately in sketches

Oh helllooooo – mid week but I kept thinking it was Friday and it is very much not. University goes back NEXT WEEK, I am feeling all sorts of feelings. Mostly – terror.

I am travelling along ok – making a lot of new friends through uni and work and though this year is fresh it feels completely different to last year. I am really enjoying sketching again, filling up book after book.

Covid 19 Bento

Robot toy guy!

This one is from last year, but in the book I am currently filling up and I think it is pretty. I remember drawing it, really trying to hold myself together. Drawing holds me together.



OK so that’s me for now. It is time to read to Poppet – We are starting Lord of the Rings tonight, finished the Hobbit a few nights back. We both had a late one last night ( Lego ), I have the proof:



2002 called:

lololololololololololololololol etc

worky work painty paint

I’m off for a month for work in March so I am trying to get as much prep and painting done before then because I know I will be super busy = super tired. It’s been warm which means I can get outside and work earlier/ later which helps. I also got paid this week and I will purchase my every own printer – grown up!

I get to sketch like a mad thing everyday now, I should buy a few more sketch books just to have them on hand because I seem to be doing a number of drawings / sketches each week in the ones that I do have an am running out of pages. I wouldn’t say that all the things I draw and sketch are good – but that is not the point – it’s practice, it’s wonderful.

Here are the little aluminium panels I have prepared:

So shiny! So pretty! 12 x 17cm.

I purchased a large panel of aluminium from a plastics place, it was a few meters long so Gene cut it down to size for me (thank you!), then I have sanded the edges and prepped the surface with a few layers transparent gesso. If you want to explore this surface and have a mate who can help out with the cutting – or even better, have your own equipment, I recommend this as purchasing aluminium from art stores is *so* expensive.

Thank you to the other artists who have taken time to answer all my questions about this as well, very much appreciated.

I’ve finished one little painting for the new series and have another very close to finished, I scanned the completed one in but the colour doesn’t translate well at all, I’ll have to borrow a good camera and photograph them but I am getting sidetracked – I just need to focus on making the paintings and worry about documentation a bit down the track. At least I know now – scanner is great for works on paper, not the shiny shiny.

Look At The Time – I better go and do the things Thursday needs me to do, I’m going to gesso a bunch more panels soon I’ll post a photo because they look so nice and pretty.

It me, in the painting/ cat room.