
Spent the afternoon drawing the same tree.

Sometimes it is better to study short and sweet and then spend the day hatching and crosshatching onto paper.

These trees around me are amazing. There are many galahs, kookaburras, currawongs,sulphur crested  cocokatoos, corellas, crows, magpies and black yellow tailed cockatoos flying above. So much life. The morning and evening sunlight and the colour of the sky is always beautiful. This is what I get to look at when I’m just doing the daily bizzo.


the daily

Everyday is a new day to just keep plugging away at all the things that need to be done. I want to make a promise to myself to draw every day, but sometimes it’s better to just shhhh and aim for it but accept that near enough is good enough.

Looking through my sketchbooks I love that they are time capsules, I keep most of the content in them because things change meaning and…

“Mum, do you have a 0.05 I can use, mine ran out.” My child just asked me this and OH MY GOODNESS, THE BEST. A fellow pen nerd.