Progress Photo- Lilly

This is the first layer for the second painting of a small series I am working on called Lilly. They are 40 x 50CM each in size.
I only apply two layers of paint to each painting. It’s a challenge that I have given myself to work with speed, colour and the texture of the paint.

Photos from my recent exhibition

From mid December to mid January I had some works on display at DeerSPACE- we had the closing party for it the weekend just passed and I thought I should share some photos. I got a lot of great feedback from everyone so thank you for all coming and supporting me!

This painting received the most positive feedback, which surprised me as I actually didn’t like it for a long time! Now I am glad I got it framed and shared it with people.
(Photo credit Tom Phillipson)

(Photo Christian Rothenhagen)

(Photo Josh T)

Painting Allison Browning.

I’ve been painting Allison Browning who is an Australian writer. You can see her work here: LINK!

I met Allison on my brief trip to Australia earlier this year – her house was full of beautiful things and she was really lovely to speak to and work with. I originally wanted to use this as a drawing but with the colours of her skin, dress and the other objects in this image made me change my mind – I felt it best to explore this image with paint.