..When there is a bunny playing a tambourine.
Author Archives: lilymae
Driving through Czech Republic to Prague and back through Petrovice
Photos from our drive through Czech Republic to Prague and back through Petrovice:
(Gene took the above shot, you can tell because it is awesome)
Painting progress, Anja face
My artwork Munch is the cover for Semi Permanent Book 2011
My artwork, ‘Munch’ ( which was in last years Semi Permanent Book Two for 2010) is on the front cover for the 2011 book! Woo hoo.
Another artwork of mine”The Unknown” is also in this book.
Here is what the front cover looks like:
Here is the website: Semi Permanent.
Progress photos of recent drawing
A week in photos
Weißensee, Berlin
Violence & oranges
Today I was going to take my baby girl to the beach, but the rain got heavier.. So I went to St Kilda, to find no parking, so I then went to Northcote. Sitting in a yum yum yummy café, I came across this weeks Inpress where there is a write up about one of my latest drawings, “Violence”.
Here is a link to the article online: The Menstruum
Cheers to Robert for the words!
Melbourne, you old dog you
So I’m back in Melbourne, first time in two years and it is weird, weird, weird!
I’m noticing more things about this town, but I think travel does that.
I’m enjoying the coffee so much, I use any excuse to get into the city and go to my favorite coffee place -Jungle Juice, I want to capture your lovely, beardy baristas.
Brunswick Santas