
I did a whole lot of sketches last night, my studio is covered in them and it feels like that is the way it should be and I curse any time it has been any thing other than this!
Anyway I know I am doing work that I probably shouldn’t be doing as there are some works that should be done but I’ll get on top of all of that next week I promise.

Here’s one sketch I did..

Three Hearts

Today I did not attempt to work in my studio because it was very, very hot. So I settled for podcasts under the fan and smaller sketching and working out some things that are admin and very dull. So tomorrow it is Friday, feels like that came about super soon ( as did 2017, as did being thirty three, as did my grey hairs.. ) so I think I should like, leave the house and do things in preparation for a whole weekend drawing! yay!!!

The Longest Shortest Time – Drawing

The Longest Shortest Time seemed like the perfect title for this new drawing, it’s title comes from one of my favourite podcasts of the same name.

Her lush pregnancy hair was very fun to draw. I wanted to do a few works focusing on pregnancy – ( and fourth trimester, contact me of you want to model! ) as I have many feelings around parenting. And also it blows my mind how all consuming these times are, but how bloody quick it passes too! The discourse we have around all of this stuff is deeply troubling, I could write more about it, but writing makes me exhausted.

I am feeling very motivated and excited about drawing and creating and have so many ideas but little paper.. Will have to fix that soon!

Here is a link to the Longest Shortest Time Podcast, have a listen to all things family, birth, boobs!

Adelaide Perry Drawing Prize 2017

I am very pleased to say that my drawing Rebirth has been selected as a finalist for the Adelaide Perry Drawing Prize for 2017 in Sydney.

This drawing is a really special one to me, in that I am really really proud of it. So I am super excited it will be showing in this prize.

Thank you to my team of people who have helped me get this ready to be gallery ready! You know who you are and you really make this so special. See, this drawing just made it into the entry – I had just finished it before the deadline and it seems as if it was meant to be. ( Well, there’s lots of work that has gone into all of this so, we made it happen! )

The full list of finalists are on the website which you can see here: Finalists for the 2017 Adelaide Perry Drawing Prize

I’ve just gotten back to work so things will be quite on this here blog because I JUST WANT TO DRAW..

Norfolk Island

Just got back from our adventure to Norfolk Island! It was an incredible experience. The views were amazing..

The birds..

Other creatures..

The history..


Did I mention the views?

We went to the local fish fry and it was spectacular, I (over) indulged on the coconut bread. We had peaceful, very peaceful, balmy nights. I didn’t realise how much I needed to step outside of Life for a little while to get some fresh brain space/ perspective. The island was just such an amazing experience. I could write more but I think the pictures can do the talking for me. xx


We got up at 3am to do the last of the packing, put on new linen for house sitter, shovel food into our mouths and bundle Kidlet into the car at 3:45am. She woke up and talked and sung the whole way to the airport.
Traveling with kids doesn’t always go smoothly but this was amazing and fun! An adventure together. I don’t think Kidlet has been on a plane since we moved back to Australia from Germany, she was about two and a half. When we’ve gone places we have driven, after living overseas for a while I realized how little of Australia I had actually seen. Mind you – I’m rethinking this after the drive from Sydney to Victoria last year because it sucks.

So we arrived on Saturday afternoon, it’s different to what I expected.. but I’ve never been here before so not really sure I knew what to expect. It’s so beautiful, the birds and the fruit and the way this place manages its food, cows, education, waste, healthcare is really interesting and given me a lot to think about. Kidlet feels inspired to become an explorer and I say that if she wants to do that, she’s got to be open to trying different foods which for the most part has worked! Expect paw paw, no I won’t make her eat that.

Internet is very non committal so I don’t know if this will work or not!

Argh, this world – it’s so precious.

Slower going – more enjoyment

Summer holidays trying to get work done for made up deadlines has got to go – in the bin! Life is so fleeting and I’m enjoying the sky, the birds, long cuddles in bed every morning with my growing too fast child. I’m feeling deeply fatigued by a lot of things that used to work for me.. Internet outrage, working too hard but not at all smartly, being competitive for some unknown outcome. All the fluff so people will think of me fondly .. Or at least think of me.
I realised with pushing through December/ January madness that I haven’t set up too much for the year to come. I set up one BIG thing – midyear. But overall it is clear and I’m not even too sure about what kind of work I want to create. I think I need to just create without too many goals in place at the moment, to see if I can make something new. Of course, my irrational thinking goes IT’S ALL OVER FOR ME, I’LL NEVER MAKE WORK AGAIN and then I have to go hey look at something amazing. Like, poppy seeds..

Flowers blooming that are the size of dinner plates

Repotting plants and envying the simplicity of my kitty’s life

I have managed to scratch away 1/6 of a landscape. That’s pretty good.

Ok well now I am off for an adventure to a tiny dot in the Pacific Ocean.

More drawing together

Holidays keep on going, the heat has been up and down. There has been much swimming, too many late nights and very disrupted sleep. There’s been movies, books, mangos, playdates, puppy patting, babysitting, kitty patting, parasol and sandals, sunburn, blooming tomato plants and cuddles! Tomorrow is my work day, I do look forward to it but will see what we see. January is always like this, always must approach it with patience!

The following drawing is by kidlet. She did it in my sketch book, which is next to the above drawing.. It’s of Sponge Bob Square Pants and friends… I am not a fan of Bob, Kidlet knows this and testament to her sick sense of humour she’s GONE AND DRAWN IT IN MY SKETCH BOOK NEXT TO MY SAD SELF PORTRAIT! Which is hilarious.

Ok, so, heat and dinner time and a bedtime that won’t be successful this eve so must remember to breathe breathe breathe.

Almost thirty four

Hello blog,

Well, it happened. My dearly loved laptop computer has died. I think I got it for my 30th birthday? Or maybe thirty first? Who can tell in my old age ๐Ÿ˜‰ But the other day, whilst researching the care of our ( large and dominating ) indoor plants, I knocked a full mug of coffee all over it and poof! It’s screen went dark for the last time. I cried – not sure what I was upset about more – the coffee or the computer – but there you go. I love both of these things in equal measure. Just the computer is like, wayyyyy more expensive to fix/ replace.
Husband, being the amazing and thoughtful and practical being that he is – had already created a thingo to back the shit up out of everything. Because I have a history of killing computers with liquids, because I have a knack for taking thousands of photographs and refusing to give any of them up thus taking up HEAPS of space, because it is the right thing to do.
It’s stalled work a little, I must admit. School holidays is a tricky enough time to try and get work done in and this on top of it – well frankly, it forced me to stop.
That’s ok. Things haven’t really been going my way of late. So many technical difficulties, so many people not replying, so many of the things. I feel up and down but overall – I feel pretty positive about the year ahead.

I hope to challenge my drawing more this year. Let’s see where I can take it. I hope to see a body of work through, but if it still needs to be made, than it still needs to be made. We will see. Well, I will see and then I’ll let you know.
So Husband built me a new computer, lending parts from his and mostly made up of my late father in laws. It’s a desktop, so this here prone-to-bouts-of-depression-person ( um, me ) can no longer sit in her bed and watch movies in her pyjamas all day – no sir – I got to get OUT of bed to do that! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Anyway, I felt I should write. It’s my birthday very soon – thirty four. I’m liking my thirties so much more than my twenties ( which is hard to compare because they seem like different lifetimes ). I cannot believe that I have been with Husband for ten years now. We’ve done so much within that decade. I hope to do many things more.

I have to go because the child has been very VERY quite …


Drawing together

Ah, school holidays.
Movie, draw, draw, movie, movie, draw, draw, eat, wee, sleep…. Kidlet did hang out the washing without being asked and weeded some of the garden. I felt like these holidays were a huge abyss opening up in front of us all and now I can see the end of it already so quick sticks gotta make the most of it… And so, here are some of the drawings we have been doing together:

Movie watching.

I love how there is an arrow used to demonstrate that Kitty has transformed into a Pegasus. Super hero Kidelt is like “Let’s Save the World!” and casual-kitty-now-Pegasus still has a meh attitude of a cat “Okay”.. haha.. Okay. LOVE it.

NYE was SO BORING. But that’s ok. Just a night, I drew my new jug, it’s blue.
The jar with the dying flowers was one of about four at the time. Kidet will often come inside announcing “MUMMY, I HAVE PICKED YOU SOME FLOWERS!” and her fist will be full of various weeds. I will fill a jar with water and it’ll sit about the house until they have wilted and the water is putrid. But I never deny them. I do ask her not to pick flowers too much though, there’s got to be something left for the bees.

Snowman drawing, I assume it’s because we are still watching all the terrible Christmas themed movies just to really get it out of our systems.

Sleepy face, we have been very active despite me just telling you about all the movies we have been watching. But I don’t have to share everything ๐Ÿ˜‰

This just in – found my wedding ring. PHEW.