His Hand

I am listening to Like A Prayer – a podcast by The Wheeler Centre.

This is the only poem I have written and put out into the world.. I wrote it at about 2AM in Berlin, back in 2011. I had been struggling all day, to write something in my little dinky kitchen and I gave up and went to sleep – unsatisfied. A few hours later, I woke up with these words pouring out of my mind.

When you fell, you crumpled over like

A ventriloquist doll

God had removed his hand from you.

It drove me mental that what I was trying to write came out in just three lines. Seventeen words.
But what an important event it is of. And though it is just three line, seventeen words – they do so much.

This poem is dedicated to Peter Orr and Lynall Hall Community School, my second high school. December 15th 1998.

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