We bought a house.
When husband and I were just starting out, we always used to make a build things together. It’s something that has really made us solid, I think. That we have projects and similar interests, or really we are just interested in stuff and one of the ‘what ifs’ has always been what if we bought a house and did what we want to it!
The place needs some work, it needs a wall out here and things installed there. But it is what we wanted. To make something our own. There will be messes and mistakes but how freaking exciting. The BEST part about it all is my studio. It’s huge and away from the house, which is a step I needed to take. I’ve been working within the home for many years now, but my work and I are at the point where we need the separation.
Of course there will be drawing tables and painting corners within the house, as art is so integrated into our family life.
I cannot wait to paint a huge sparkly unicorn on kidslet’s bedroom wall. We’ve be planning and scheming about this for months and months now. It’s going to be ridiculous and awesome.
There seems to be that there is the idea that an artists life must be chaotic, or the more frequently used term but implying the same thing ‘free spirited’ but I tell you that that does not work for me at all. Routine, discipline. Space.
I cannot wait.
Anyway I used the picture that I have today because I have had a beautiful week with my kidelt. A photographer came over this morning and talked to her about this camera and how it works. I’ve been following kids pace more this week than I have in a while and it has made me aware of how much I need to keep saying no to things, unless they fit in with childhood. Childhood is fleeting and I feel like there is all this pressure to ‘get back out there’ and ‘be part of things’ but it means I miss out. I don’t want to miss out on any more.
Gayle De Angelis on said:
Congratulations to you all. A new meaning to the term “Arthouse”!