Close Up


It took about two weeks to find my way with this work, which was hard but so worth it. Now I can’t wait to get to drawing and I do have to stop and do adult things and parent things but I am so lucky my studio is just out the back so once everyone is in bed I can just get back to it.

I think I will get this done sooner than I thought, and I have a second one planned.

Milk Tooth


The same day one of kidlet’s baby tooth falls out, we have our first parent teacher interview. I’m wondering how we got here already. I spend the whole session with my heart so big and with her tiny little tooth in my pocket, I want to cry. She’s so beautiful, she’s mine, she’s her own. I feel both split wide open and heart broken but whole and proud and stuff has meaning and yet it doesn’t. I don’t make sense, I don’t care. She just threw her melodica this morning and gave me angry face and I love her so.