Dear Art, I love you

Dear Art,

I love you.

No matter where I have been in my life, there you are. You adapt so easily to whatever this crazy life of mine throws at me; from being in silly relationships, to art school where I felt intellectually inferior. From paper, to canvas and linen. From charcoal to watercolor, ink, cheap and nasty acrylic to sexy expensive I’m-not-going-to-eat-for-a-fortnight oil paints.

From words to drawings to paintings.

I love you with all of my heart, I thank you deeply for having patience
with me; when I get caught up in culture vulture scenes, worrying about trends and fretting about if I will ‘ever make it’.

You cross all boarders and give a voice to those who are voiceless.

You are an all mighty force that will never be stopped.

You’re super fucking cool.

Forever yours,