New painting – Georgia Fields

I like painting but I struggle with oils. It’s smelly, it’s sticky and I really can’t do it inside the house with a small child. I’ve been playing with water colours and gouache for about a year now and thought that maybe I could buy myself some proper paper and do a large portrait series.

I asked Georgia Fields to pose for me – continuing on with making portraits of people who are inspired/ inspiring. She said yes – obviously!

This is mainly painted in watercolour with gouache highlights. It’s on Sennelier cotton paper, size 64 x 49cm. The paper cost me a small fortune but basically working on it is like a dream/ mad love affair/ all awesome feelings pressed into 300gsm paper.

Sexy, sexy expensive French paper.

The hair took up most of my time – it is layers and layers and layers of colours and paint at different transparencies. I think I nearly went mad – as I do with a lot of my works – but I am proud of the result.

And now, I must start work on another one.

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