Holidays keep on going, the heat has been up and down. There has been much swimming, too many late nights and very disrupted sleep. There’s been movies, books, mangos, playdates, puppy patting, babysitting, kitty patting, parasol and sandals, sunburn, blooming tomato plants and cuddles! Tomorrow is my work day, I do look forward to it but will see what we see. January is always like this, always must approach it with patience!
The following drawing is by kidlet. She did it in my sketch book, which is next to the above drawing.. It’s of Sponge Bob Square Pants and friends… I am not a fan of Bob, Kidlet knows this and testament to her sick sense of humour she’s GONE AND DRAWN IT IN MY SKETCH BOOK NEXT TO MY SAD SELF PORTRAIT! Which is hilarious.
Ok, so, heat and dinner time and a bedtime that won’t be successful this eve so must remember to breathe breathe breathe.