Little black cat

There is something about black cats. When my daughter was little, she would get indignant about how people would say that black cats are bad luck. “That is rude! They are good luck!” She has always wanted one and recently this little one came into our lives. He was the smallest in the litter, his favourite place to sleep is in my daughters (very long) hair.

When I am home, I can hear the galloping of a tiny little kitten going from one end of the house to the other.

knock, knock

Is this thing on? Hello, it’s been ages. My website crashed and while there are many, many learning resources online on how to do website things – my brain says no. So, I have a very excellent human helping me out to get this back on track.

This year flew, I am sure I say that every year. Someone said we have like two more pays before Christmas. DON’T SAY THAT TO ME I AM NOT READY.

Art is as slow as it needs to go at the moment and my scanner died a premature death (bloody built in obsolesce) but I have an amazing babes scanner to use so I will get to that in time.



This month has been very special with my daughter’s birthday – she is well into her teens now. I scored a manga series that has just been translated to English but not available in Oz yet. She read two out of the 19 in less than 24hours of getting them 😀

We went to the big smoke and had Okonomiyaki and stayed in a sort of OK hotel and watched British Bake Off.

Happy Cake month kiddo x

Cats & Dogs

I had the very fun opportunity to sketch REAL cats and dogs at the National Gallery of Victoria this week for the announcement of the Cats & Dogs exhibition opening November 1st.

Info here: LINK

This is me drawing Poppy, she looks like the kitty in the Grace Cossington Smith’s Quaker Girl painting in the background. My face says how happy I am:

I did see some of the news footage for this and I have Very Serious Concentration Face on which is very stern but that’s me in the zone.

Here’s one with all the good bois and girls:

There’s Floyd, Jess, Abbey, GG, Choffee and Teddy.

Thank you for the opportunity NGV it is a career highlight!

Sketching in pencil

Still plugging away with some pencil sketches exploring ideas. I think they will be paintings. Some are soft beautiful moments while others are brutal and quite honestly come with the best titles.

Thank you to one of my very best friends for letting me capture this moment in her life.